Adult Christian Education
The Adult Christian Education Committee (ACE) is responsible for the planning and preparation of adult Christian education programs in the parish. ACE believes that in striving to fulfill its purpose this ministry promotes God’s mission by: proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom, and by teaching and nurturing believers.
Altar Guild
We continue to do “God’s Housekeeping” by keeping our linens and vessels beautiful and preparing God’s house for worship, weddings, funerals, and Feast Days.
Our goal is to welcome people so warmly in God’s name, that the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in our Parish is apparent.
Healing Prayer
We offer ourselves as instruments of God’s Healing power to bring wholeness in Body, Mind, and Spirit through prayer and by the laying on of hands.
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry of St. Michael’s seeks to glorify God and proclaim His Word through sacred music. The Music Ministry works to do this in the parish in the following ways: Preparation and selection of hymns and service music week by week; Leadership in music and preparation of sacred choral music from the Choir; Leadership in music and preparation of contemporary music from the Praise Team.
Nursing Home Ministry
Our visits bring “Sonshine” – the light of Christ – into the seniors residence. The love of Christ permeates the whole group, residents and all other participants, as we sing, pray and celebrate the Eucharist together.
“Whatever you do for the least of these brothers of mine, you do for me.” Matthew 25:40
The Outreach Committee seeks to achieve this by making the congregation aware of, and involving them in projects that help to serve those in need. We initiate projects at the local, national and international level and support them by using the talents that God has given to all of us.
Pastoral Care
“To respond to human need by loving service.”
Pastoral care team: A committee of 6 with a team of some 40 members. We offer ourselves as a team of Christ’s servants, to minister to our brothers and sisters, through prayer and help when they are in need, caused by sickness or rehabilitation.
Shepherds Ministry
Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep. (Luke 15:6)
This is a team of caring parishioners whose goal is to contact members on a regular basis. With the help of the Good Shepherd, we offer prayers and encouragement, as we develop our relationship with God and each other to strengthen the fabric of the Christian community at St. Michael and All angels Church.
Sides Team
Helps people arriving for Church services to find a place to be seated and ensures leaflets, books and anything else that will be needed in the service are given out. Members of the sides team also help with the collection passing the plates around during the service and counting all contributions following the service.
Sunday School
Jesus said,” Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Matthew 19:14
At St. Michael and All Angels we are committed to ministering to our Children. We believe in teaching and nurturing them and providing a safe place for them so that they may grow to know Jesus, His love for them and in turn show His love to others. Ages: 5 to 12
Worship Ministry
The Worship Ministry assists in and coordinates all of our worship services on Sundays and on other special days. This includes the preparation and scheduling of all the people involved in worship such as lay assistants, servers, chalice bearers and readers and the scheduling of the lectionary of readings. Our purpose is to contribute to the overall comprehension of the Word, to facilitate the Prayers of the People and to assist in the receiving of holy Sacrament.
Website ministry
The website ministry makes sure the website is up to date.
Anti-Racism Circle – Arc Ministry
We are a diverse group of people committed to listening, learning and taking action to confront racism in ourselves, in others and in the world with compassion and kindness, bringing us ever closer to the equality, justice and respect that we all deserve. We seek to follow Jesus’ command: Love one another as I have loved you. Our slogan: Listen * Learn * Act. The ARC Ministry was born from a place of pain following the killing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. The manner of his death during eight minutes and 46 seconds when a police officer kept his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck, had a profound impact on people around the world. It was a “watershed moment” which galvanized well-thinking people everywhere to become involved, or in some cases more involved, in anti-racism work. In addition to following Jesus’ command, we are also guided by the words of St. Paul to the Galatians: Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Fellowship & Education
See also Men’s and Women’s Fellowship, Children and Youth, as well as Educational Programs, in the section “Community”.